5 Healthiest Gluten-free Flours That You Should Start Eating From Today

Updated on January 7, 2022

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gluten free flours

Gluten-free Flours

Is atta healthy, what about maida? Most products are made from wheat or a derivative of wheat. While unproblematic for many, people with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or those avoiding gluten for other reasons should not consume these two.

The good news is , there are a variety of gluten-free flours available all over now, each with a different taste, texture and nutrient composition. I am listing down 5 very healthy flours and they happen to be GLUTEN-FREE.

Gluten-free flours help in managing our gluten issue but they are also great at managing other health related problems. For example, gluten-free flour can help with weight management, PCOD, acidity, Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) etc; so try incorporating these flours to your daily healthy meals.

Video of Gluten Free Flours

5 Healthiest Gluten-free Floors

Below is the list of 5 healthiest Gluten free flours you can include in your daily diet routine.

1. Amaranth / Rajgira / Ramdana Flour

Amaranth has manganese, exceeding your daily nutrient needs in just one serving. Manganese is very crucial for brain function, it is also rich in magnesium, an essential nutrient for our body. It is also high in phosphorus, a mineral that is important for bone health. Has iron too which we all know helps in producing blood in our bodies. Apart from this it also contains antioxidants that promotes good health. If you are interested, get healthiest gluten-free Amaranth and Quinoa muesli recipe by clicking on the link.

2. Almond flour

Almond flour and other nut flours are made from the cake that remains after oils are pressed from nuts, it is not very cheap i agree but what it lacks in economy it makes up in the nutritional value. Also the nutty flavour of this flour makes it best suited flour for baking, pancakes, can be used as bred crumbs, the flour is actually very versatile.

Almond flour is better than other flours that are out there. It is high in protein, manganese, vitamin E and monounsaturated fats, low in carbohydrates, and contains fiber.

It has a high fat low carbohydrate content that makes it perfect for even Keto diet.

It also helps with weight loss- Because almond flour dense, it can help you fill up quicker. This can, in turn, prevent overeating, also the high fiber composition makes you feel more satisfied after having any meal made with it.

3. Sorghum/ Jowar flour

This flour is great at controlling diabetes, improves your digestive health and they say it is great for your heart health too.

This flour is a nutrient powerhouse, full of fiber, and B-vitamins vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin, got high levels of magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Did you know, a cup of sorghum contains almost 13 grams of dietary fiber, meaning that your digestive tract can keep your food moving along smoothly, preventing  bloating, stomach distention, constipation, acidity and diarrhoea.

Sorghum is also easily available in our country and is affordable too, so if you need that extra strength in your body- we all ned that- Jowar is a good place to start from.

4. Buckwheat flour/ Kuttu ka atta

Although the name has the word ‘wheat’ in it but this flour is 100% gluten-free. Also kuttu ka atta is something that you should eat even when the Navratra festival is over as this is one of the best flours you can have in your diet.

The flour is cheap compared to other nutritional flour and it is easily available in our country. We must always try to eat more of the ingredients that are produced locally and found easily in the local markets.

Buckwheat is more similar to amaranth, millet, or quinoa, which are nutritious seeds that are full of fiber and are gluten-free but belong to the grain department.

It is high in antioxidants – antioxidants are naturally occurring compounds that protect the body from harmful free radicals that can contribute to chronic diseases like cancer, heart issues etc.

Buckwheat is loaded antioxidants that can protect the heart, help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and provide other health benefits. It also has a high fiber content, which means great for our stomach health.

5. Chickpea/ Besan/ Gram flour

Besan finally, our Indian favourite flour. We Indians can’t get enough of this delicious flour, one can make over a hundred delicacies using besan, from curries to sweets, this flour is versatile and super health too (as they say, she has got the brains and the looks ..heheheh)

Chickpea flour is high in protein, a cup of this flour  has over 20 grams of protein, making it a smart choice if you are trying to increase your protein intake. It also contains more fiber, vitamins, minerals than wheat.

It also managed diabetes better, foods made with chickpea flour is great for people with diabetes because the fiber helps slow down the absorption of dietary sugars- thus stabilises your blood sugar thereby aiding diabetes management.

This is also a great flour if you want to manage your weight better.

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Hi! I am Khushboo. I am gluten intolerant and this is my Gluten-Free food diary. My recipes are not necessarily fancy, they are practical and simple. Journey with me on my exciting food discoveries as I am on a mission to make gluten-free food enjoyable, fun & affordable. If they can make it with gluten, we can make it without.

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