Coronavirus pantry essentials: 5 pantry essentials if you are quarantined at home

Updated on August 23, 2021

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Coronavirus pantry essentials: 5 pantry essentials if you are Quarantined

Coronavirus pantry essentials: 5 pantry essentials if you are quarantined at home

Coronavirus pantry essentials: 5 pantry essentials if you are quarantined at home :

There is absolutely no need to panic and hoard if you are in quarantine like the rest of the world and you are wondering if you have enough supplies or not then you need to calm down. There is absolutely no need to buy too much, buy food items that will last a long time and that are high on proteins, fiber, etc.I thought sharing my list may help you organize your pantry too. Less can go a long way, so stay at home, use what you have intelligently and you would sail through the 21-day quarantine easily. See you guys on the other side. Take Care!



Because you can store them for long in your pantry, Lentils are low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in potassium, fiber, folate, and plant chemicals called polyphenols that have antioxidant activity.

Lentils are packed with proteins. When combined with a whole grain, like brown rice, they can give you the same quality of protein as meat. Protein is a building block of bones, muscles, and skin. It can also curb your appetite because it keeps you feeling full longer than other nutrients do.



Keep a few varieties like white, brown, Japanese sticky rice, wild rice, etc. The more the merrier. You can make rice in many ways from fried rice to rice pulao to khichri to risotto. Rice can be stored and keep in the pantry for months.

Brown rice is chewier and heartier than white rice and takes almost twice as long to cook because it contains less starch. Brown rice is a whole grain and contains as much as four times the fiber of white rice.  Wild rice is even more nutritious than brown rice in many ways, as it contains more protein and higher levels of vitamin A and folic acid.

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Frozen veggies and fruits:

Yes start with fresh veggies and fruits but you will run out of them in 4-5 days and then the frozen veggies will come in very handy. You need your veggies every day so keep some varieties in your freezer and use them. I have kept frozen peas, cauliflower, corn, and mix berries.


Nuts and Seeds:

Seeds like chia, flax, and hemp provide alpha-linolenic fatty acids, which provide anti-inflammatory benefits. You can make seed flour and use it to bake bread, cake, etc. You can use nuts to make nut milk at home, that way you won’t have to rely on the milk supply.


Ginger and garlic:

Ginger is an amazing immunity-boosting food item. Coronavirus is a virus and if your immunity is strong your body will be able to fight the coronavirus efficiently. So work on the immunity every day. It is said that ginger contains many anti-viral elements and it should be consumed with fennel and honey to boost your immunity.





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